Health Professions Application Please Select a Program* (Required)Select a program...Computed TomographyDiagnostic Medical SonographyHealth Information ManagementMedical Laboratory TechnologyMagnetic Resonance ImagingOccupational Therapy AssistantPhlebotomy TechnicianPhysical Therapist AssistantRadiographyRespiratory TherapyAcceptance into each of the programs in the Health Professions Division is selective due to the limited number of clinical placements available. The following steps MUST be completed in order for the applicant to be considered for admission to a program. ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE (Notification of admission to the college does not mean that the applicant has been accepted into a Health Professions Program.) New TCC Students must complete a separate TCC application for admission to the college before applying to a Health Professions Program. Applications may be obtained from the Enrollment Services Admissions Center on any of the College's campuses. Health Professions Program Applications may be obtained from the Counseling Center at any campus, by calling 757-822-1122, or by accessing the website: Continuing Students do not need to complete another application to the college. However, students should update their academic records if there have been any changes in name, address, etc. Students who have previously applied to the college but did not attend within one year of application must reapply. Students who have not attended the college in the past three years must also apply. Admission to a Health Professions Program A complete application packet must be submitted to Enrollment Services, Bayside Building, Tidewater Community College, 1700 College Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA 23453 to be considered for acceptance into a Health Professions program. *This packet must include a completed Health Professions Application, an official copy of college/university transcripts (if applicable), and high school transcripts/proof of GED (if applicable). *Exception: Phlebotomy Technician applications should be submitted via email to Angela Bell, Phlebotomy Program Director, at during the open application period only. Applicants must have all official high school transcripts and/or GED certifications (if applicable) sent to Enrollment Services, 1700 College Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA 23453. Applicants with any prior college credit must have a second official copy of all college/university transcripts mailed directly from the college/university to: Tidewater Community College, Office of the College Registrar, P.o. Box 9000, Norfolk, VA 23509-9000. In addition, applicants must complete a request to have their transcripts evaluated. This form may be obtained at any campus Enrollment Services office or online at: Applicants to Health Professions Programs must provide proof of satisfactory scores on the SAT/ACT or provide evidence of TCC MATH and ENGLISH ASSESSMENT PLACEMENT TESTS or provide a transcript from an accredited institution evidencing college-level credit in English and algebra with grades of "C" or above. TCC assessment placement tests are administered by each campus Counseling Center. When enrollments must be limited for any curriculum, priority shall be given to all qualified students who are residents of the political subdivisions supporting the college and to Virginia residents not having access to a given program at their local community college, provided such students apply for admission to the program prior to registration or by a deadline established by the college. In addition, residents of localities with which the college has clinical-site or other agreements may receive equal consideration for admission. If you have questions regarding domiciliary requirements or domiciliary status, please contact the Enrollment Services Office: 757-822-7340. Admission priorities will be based on the applicant's Domicile status on the application deadline date. Please note that some students receive in-state tuition based on an exception to the statute, but are domiciled out-of-state. ADDITIONAL PROGRAM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Students are responsible for obtaining a program packet, which includes admission selection criteria. APPLICATION DEADLINES: All transcripts, domicile status, test scores, and applications MUST be on file with the appropriate college office prior to the published application deadline date in order for the applicant to be considered for acceptance. Applicants with missing information (incomplete applications) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR INITIAL ADMISSION to a Health Professions Program. Please refer to the next page of this application for the published deadline dates. Late applicants will be considered only if the initial pool of eligible applicants does not fill a program. NOTIFICATION: Letter of acceptance or non-acceptance will be mailed to the applicant's home address, or emailed to the applicant's VCCS address. Students not accepted into their desired Health Professions program are advised to see a Counselor to discuss their curriculum options. FINANCIAL AID: Applicants needing financial aid should visit or call the Financial Aid Office at any TCC campus as soon as possible. Financial Aid applications are also available at HEALTH RECORD: An applicant who is accepted for admission must complete a physical form that includes an immunization record and a physical examination. BACKGROUND CHECKS: Prospective students are hereby notified that certain medical facilities require both criminal/sex offender background checks as well as drug screens prior to being authorized to attend clinicals. The cost of the criminal background/sex offender check is the responsibility of the student. Acceptance into the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) program is selective due to the limited number of clinical placements available. The following steps MUST be completed in order for the applicant to be considered for admission to the program. ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE (Notification of admission to the college does not mean that the applicant has been accepted into a MRI Program.) New TCC Students must complete a separate TCC application for admission to the college before applying to a MRI Program. Applications may be obtained online from the Enrollment Services Admissions Center on any of the College's campuses. Continuing Students do not need to complete another application to the college. However, students should update their academic records if there have been any changes in name, address, etc. Students who have previously applied to the college but did not attend within one year of application must reapply. Students who have not attended the college in the past three years must also apply. Admission to a MRI Program A complete application packet must be electronically submitted to be considered for acceptance into the MRI program. Admission to the magnetic Resonance Imaging Career Studies Certificate program is limited by the number of available participating clinical sites. Priority is granted to current TCC alumni and to Virginia residents who reside in the political subdivisions supporting the college. Applicants with college credit must have a second official copy of all college/university transcripts mailed directly from the college/university to: Tidewater Community College, Office of the College Registrar, P.O. Box 9000, Norfolk, VA 23509-9000. In addition, applicants must complete a request to have their transcripts evaluated. This form may be obtained at any campus Enrollment Services office or online at: If the applicant is a TCC graduate it is not necessary to submit an official copy. The unofficial copy attached is acceptable. When enrollments must be limited for any curriculum, priority shall be given to all qualified students who are residents of the political subdivisions supporting the college and to Virginia residents not having access to a given program at their local community college, provided such students apply for admission to the program prior to registration or by a deadline established by the college. In addition, residents of localities with which the college has clinical-site or other agreements may receive equal consideration for admission. If you have questions regarding domiciliary requirements or domiciliary status, please contact the Enrollment Services Office: 757-822-7340. Admission priorities will be based on the applicant's Domicile status on the application deadline date. Please note that some students receive in-state tuition based on an exception to the statute, but are domiciled out-of-state. APPLICATION DEADLINES: All transcripts, domicile status, test scores, and applications MUST be on file with the appropriate college office prior to May 31 in order for the applicant to be considered for acceptance. Applicants with missing information (incomplete applications) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR INITIAL ADMISSION to the MRI Program. Late applicants will be considered only if the initial pool of eligible applicants does not fill a program. NOTIFICATION: Letter of acceptance or non-acceptance will be emailed to the applicant's VCCS address. Students not accepted into their desired MRI program are advised to see a Counselor to discuss their curriculum options. FINANCIAL AID: Applicants needing financial aid should visit or call the Financial Aid Office at any TCC campus as soon as possible. Financial Aid applications are also available at IMMUNIZATION RECORD: An applicant who is accepted for admission must provide a current immunization record including TB, MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis B, COVID-19 and Influenza, prior to beginning a clinical rotation. The Physical form will be included in the letter of acceptance and MUST be completed prior to start of program. BACKGROUND CHECKS: Prospective students are hereby notified that medical facilities require criminal/sex offender background checks as well as drug screens prior to allowing students to attend clinical education. The cost of the criminal background/sex offender/fraud and abuse check is the responsibility of the student. CERTIFICATIONS OR REGISTRATIONS: Applicants must graduate from an approved Radiography, Radiation Therapy, or Nuclear Medicine technology program and hold an American Registry of Radiologic Technologies (AART) certification in radiography RT (R), radiation therapy RT (T) or nuclear medicine RT (N) or NMTCB. Copies of certification or registry cards must be uploaded with this application. Acceptance into the Health Information Management (HIM) program is selective due to the limited number of clinical placements available. The following steps MUST be completed in order for the applicant to be considered for admission to a program. ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE (Notification of admission to the college does not mean that the applicant has been accepted into the HIM program.) New TCC Students must complete a separate TCC application for admission to the college before applying to a Health Professions Program. Applications may be obtained from the Enrollment Services Admissions Center on any of the College's campuses. Health Professions Program Applications may be obtained from the Counseling Center at any campus, by calling 757-822-1122, or by accessing the website: Continuing Students do not need to complete another application to the college. However, students should update their academic records if there have been any changes in name, address, etc. Students who have previously applied to the college but did not attend within one year of application must reapply. Students who have not attended the college in the past three years must also apply. Admission to the HIM Program A complete application packet must be electronically submitted to Enrollment Services, Bayside Building, Tidewater Community College, 1700 College Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA 23453 to be considered for acceptance into the HIM program. *This packet must include a completed HIM program Application, an unofficial copy of college/university transcripts (if applicable). Applicants with any prior college credit must have an official copy of all college/university transcripts mailed directly from the college/university to: Tidewater Community College, Office of the College Registrar, P.o. Box 9000, Norfolk, VA 23509-9000. In addition, applicants must complete a request to have their transcripts evaluated. This form may be obtained at any campus Enrollment Services office or online at: If you have questions regarding domiciliary requirements or domiciliary status, please contact the Enrollment Services Office: 757-822-7340. Admission priorities will be based on the applicant's Domicile status on the application deadline date. Please note that some students receive in-state tuition based on an exception to the statute, but are domiciled out-of-state. APPLICATION DEADLINES: All transcripts, domicile status, test scores, and applications MUST be on file with the appropriate college office prior to May 15 in order for the applicant to be considered for acceptance. Applicants with missing information (incomplete applications) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR INITIAL ADMISSION to the HIM Program. NOTIFICATION: Letter of acceptance or non-acceptance will be emailed to the applicant's VCCS address. Students not accepted into their desired Health Professions program are advised to see a Counselor to discuss their curriculum options. FINANCIAL AID: Applicants needing financial aid should visit or call the Financial Aid Office at any TCC campus as soon as possible. Financial Aid applications are also available at PHYSICAL FORM: An applicant who is accepted for admission must complete a physical form that includes an immunization record and a physical examination. A licensed physician, or his/her official medical professional designee, must complete the examination. The Physical form will be included in the letter of acceptance and MUST be completed prior to start of program. The program director will notify you of the submission date upon acceptance into the program. BACKGROUND CHECKS: Prospective students are hereby notified that medical facilities require criminal/sex offender/fraud and abuse background checks as well as drug screens prior to being authorized to attend clinicals. The cost of the criminal background/sex offender check is the responsibility of the student. Cleared "green" background checks must be recieved by the program Director before the start of the program. If a student does not receive a cleared "green" background check - their offer for program admission will be rescinded. In addition, some facilities may do additional random drug screens. Acceptance into the Radiography programs in the Health Professions Division is selective due to the limited number of clinical placements available. The following steps MUST be completed in order for the applicant to be considered for admission to a program. ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE (Notification of admission to the college does not mean that the applicant has been accepted into the Radiography Program.) New TCC Students must complete a separate TCC application for admission to the college before applying to the RAD Program. TCC applications may be obtained online or from the Enrollment Services Admissions Center on any of the College's campuses. Continuing Students do not need to complete another application to the college. However, students should update their academic records if there have been any changes in name, address, etc. Students who have previously applied to the college but did not attend within one year of application must reapply. Students who have not attended the college in the past three years must also apply. ADMISSION TO A HEALTH PROFESSIONS PROGRAM. A complete application packet must be submitted electronically to be considered for acceptance into the RAD program. *This submission must include a completed RAD program Application. If you have taken courses from a college other than TCC that may be considered for transfer, unofficial transcripts must be uploaded. Applicants with any prior college credit must have a second official copy of all college/university transcripts mailed directly from the college/university to: Tidewater Community College, Office of the College Registrar, P.o. Box 9000, Norfolk, VA 23509-9000. In addition, applicants must complete a request to have their transcripts evaluated. This form may be obtained at any campus Enrollment Services office or online at: When enrollments must be limited for any curriculum, priority shall be given to all qualified students who are residents of the political subdivisions supporting the college and to Virginia residents not having access to a given program at their local community college, provided such students apply for admission to the program prior to registration or by a deadline established by the college. In addition, residents of localities with which the college has clinical-site or other agreements may receive equal consideration for admission. If you have questions regarding domiciliary requirements or domiciliary status, please contact the Enrollment Services Office: 757-822-7340. Admission priorities will be based on the applicant's Domicile status on the application deadline date. Please note that some students receive in-state tuition based on an exception to the statute, but are domiciled out-of-state. APPLICATION DEADLINES: All transcripts, domicile status, test scores, and applications MUST be on file with the appropriate college office prior to December 18 in order for the applicant to be considered for acceptance. Applicants with missing information (incomplete applications) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR INITIAL ADMISSION to a Program. NOTIFICATION: Letter of acceptance or non-acceptance will be mailed to the applicant's home address, or emailed to the applicant's VCCS address. Students not accepted into their desired RAD program are advised to see a Counselor to discuss their curriculum options. FINANCIAL AID: Applicants needing financial aid should visit or call the Financial Aid Office at any TCC campus as soon as possible. Financial Aid applications are also available at PHYSICAL FORM: An applicant who is accepted for admission must complete a physical form that includes an immunization record and a physical examination. A licensed physician, or his/her official medical professional designee, must complete the examination. The Physical form will be included in the letter of acceptance and MUST be completed prior to start of program. BACKGROUND CHECKS: Prospective students are hereby notified that the medical facilities require annual criminal/sex offender background checks as well as drug screens prior to allowing students to attend clinical education. The cost of the criminal background/sex offender/fraud and abuse check is the responsibility of the student. Applicants with certain criminal backgrounds may be denied eligibility by the ARRT Ethics Committee. Students with criminal records should pre-apply for permission to sit for the ARRT exam before entering the program Acceptance into the Respiratory Therapy Program is selective due to the limited number of clinical placements available. The following steps MUST be completed in order for the applicant to be considered for admission into the program. ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE: (Notification of admission to the college does not mean that the applicant has been accepted into the Respiratory Therapy Program.) New TCC Students must complete a separate TCC application for admission to the college before applying to the RT Program. TCC applications may be obtained online or from the Enrollment Services Admissions Center on any of the College's campuses. Continuing Students do not need to complete another application to the college. However, students should update their academic records if there have been any changes in name, address, etc. Students who have previously applied to the college but have not attended within one year of application must reapply. Students who have not attended the college in the past three years must also apply. ADMISSION TO THE RESPIRATORY THERAPY PROGRAM. A complete Health Professions Application, indicating respiratory therapy as your program of choice, must be submitted to be considered for acceptance into the RT program. In addition to a completed RT application, unofficial copies of college transcripts must be uploaded if you would like previous courses to be considered for transfer into the curriculum. Applicants with any prior college credit (except from TCC or colleges within the Virginia Community College System, VCCS) must have a second official copy of all college/university transcripts mailed directly from the college/university to: Tidewater Community College, Office of the College Registrar, P.O. Box 9000, Norfolk, VA 23509-9000. In addition, applicants must complete a "Request for Evaluation of Educational Experience” form to have their transcripts evaluated. This form may be obtained at any campus Enrollment Services office or online at: When enrollments must be limited for any curriculum, priority shall be given to all qualified students who are residents of the political subdivisions supporting the college and to Virginia residents not having access to a given program at their local community college, provided such students apply for admission to the program prior to registration or by a deadline established by the college. In addition, residents of localities with which the college has clinical-site or other agreements may receive equal consideration for admission. If you have questions regarding domiciliary requirements or domiciliary status, please contact the Enrollment Services Office: 757-822-7340. Admission priorities will be based on the applicant's Domicile status on the application deadline date. Please note that some students receive in-state tuition based on an exception to the statute, but are domiciled out-of-state. ADDITIONAL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: Students are responsible for obtaining a program information packet and meeting the selective admission criteria outlines. APPLICATION DEADLINES: All transcripts, domicile status and applications MUST be on file with the appropriate college office prior to January 15 in order for the applicant to be considered for acceptance. Applicants with missing information (incomplete applications) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR INITIAL ADMISSION. Late applicants will be considered only if the initial pool of eligible applicants does not meet program needs. NOTIFICATION: Letter of acceptance or non-acceptance will be emailed to the applicant's VCCS address. Students not accepted into their desired RT program are advised to see a Counselor to discuss their curriculum options. FINANCIAL AID: Applicants needing financial aid should visit or call the Financial Aid Office at any TCC campus as soon as possible. Financial Aid applications are also available at PHYSICAL FORM: An applicant who is accepted for admission must complete a physical form that includes an immunization record and a physical examination. A licensed physician, or his/her official medical professional designee, must complete the examination. The physical form will be included in the letter of acceptance and MUST be completed prior to start of program. BACKGROUND CHECKS: Applicants are hereby notified that medical facilities require criminal/sex offender/fraud and abuse background checks as well as drug screens prior to being authorized to attend clinical. The cost of the background check is the responsibility of the student. Cleared "green" background checks must be received by the Program Director before the start of the program in the summer semester (May) for admission. Failure to complete the background check before the start of the program will lead to the offer being rescinded. Some facilities may do additional random drug screens. Exact date of submission will be communicated to the student during orientation. Acceptance into the Computed Tomography (CT) is selective due to the limited number of clinical placements available. The following steps MUST be completed in order for the applicant to be considered for admission. ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE (Notification of admission to the college does not mean that the applicant has been accepted into the CT Program.) New TCC Students must complete a separate TCC application for admission to the college before applying to the CT Program. Applications may be obtained online or from the Enrollment Services Admissions Center on any of the College's campuses. Continuing Students do not need to complete another application to the college. However, students should update their academic records if there have been any changes in name, address, etc. Students who have previously applied to the college but did not attend within one year of application must reapply. Students who have not attended the college in the past three years must also apply. Admission to the CT Program A complete application packet must be electronically submitted to be considered for acceptance into the CT program. Admission to Computed Tomography (CT) program is limited by the number of available participating clinical sites and will be determined on a first-come, first served basis of qualified applicants. Priority is granted to current TCC students and to Virginia residents who reside in the political subdivisions supporting the college. Applicants with any prior college credit (from a college other than TCC) must have an official copy of all college/university transcripts mailed directly from the college/university to: Tidewater Community College, Office of the College Registrar, P.o. Box 9000, Norfolk, VA 23509-9000 if the student wants to apply credits toward this certificate. In addition, applicants must complete a request to have their transcripts evaluated. This form may be obtained at any campus Enrollment Services office or online at: When enrollments must be limited for any curriculum, priority shall be given to all qualified students who are residents of the political subdivisions supporting the college and to Virginia residents not having access to a given program at their local community college, provided such students apply for admission to the program prior to registration or by a deadline established by the college. In addition, residents of localities with which the college has clinical-site or other agreements may receive equal consideration for admission. If you have questions regarding domiciliary requirements or domiciliary status, please contact the Enrollment Services Office: 757-822-7340. Admission priorities will be based on the applicant's Domicile status on the application deadline date. Please note that some students receive in-state tuition based on an exception to the statute, but are domiciled out-of-state. APPLICATION DEADLINES: All transcripts, domicile status, test scores, and applications MUST be on file with the appropriate college office prior to May 31 in order for the applicant to be considered for acceptance. Applicants with missing information (incomplete applications) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR INITIAL ADMISSION to the CT Program. Late applicants will be considered only if the initial pool of eligible applicants does not fill a program. NOTIFICATION: Letter of acceptance or non-acceptance will be mailed to the applicant's home address, or emailed to the applicant's VCCS address. Students not accepted into their desired TCC program are advised to see a Counselor to discuss their curriculum options. IMMUNIZATION RECORD: An applicant who is accepted for admission must provide a current immunization record including TB, MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis B, COVID-19 and Influenza, prior to beginning a clinical rotation. BACKGROUND CHECKS: Prospective students are hereby notified that medical facilities require annual criminal/sex offender background checks as well as drug screens prior to allowing students to attend clinical education. The cost of the criminal background/sex offender/fraud and abuse check is the responsibility of the student. Applicants with certain criminal backgrounds may be denied eligibility by the ARRT Ethics Committee. Students with criminal records should pre-apply for permission to sit for the ARRT exam before entering the program. CERTIFICATIONS OR REGISTRATIONS: Applicants must be graduates from an approved Radiography, Radiation Therapy, or Nuclear Medicine technology program and hold an American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (AART) certification in radiography RT (R), radiation therapy RT (T) or nuclear medicine RT (N) or NMTCB. Currently enrolled TCC Radiography students meeting certain criteria may apply. See the Radiography Program handbook for details. Copies of certification or registry cards must be uploaded with this application. Acceptance into the Physical Therapist Assistant program is selective due to the limited number of clinical placements available. The following steps MUST be completed in order for the applicant to be considered for admission to PTA. ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE (Notification of admission to the college does not mean that the applicant has been accepted into a Health Professions Program.) New TCC Students must complete a separate TCC application for admission to the college before applying to a Health Professions Program. Applications may be obtained from the Enrollment Services Admissions Center on any of the College's campuses. Health Professions Program Applications may be obtained from the Counseling Center at any campus, by calling 757-822-1122, or by accessing the website: Continuing Students do not need to complete another application to the college. However, students should update their academic records if there have been any changes in name, address, etc. Students who have previously applied to the college but did not attend within one year of application must reapply. Students who have not attended the college in the past three years must also apply. Admission to a Health Professions Program A complete application packet must be electronically submitted to be considered for acceptance into the PTA program. *This packet must include a completed Application and an unofficial copy of college/university transcripts (if applicable). Applicants with any prior college credit must have a second official copy of all college/university transcripts mailed directly from the college/university to: Tidewater Community College, Office of the College Registrar, P.o. Box 9000, Norfolk, VA 23509-9000. In addition, applicants must complete a request to have their transcripts evaluated. This form may be obtained at any campus Enrollment Services office or online at: Applicants to Health Professions Programs must provide proof of satisfactory scores on the SAT/ACT or provide evidence of TCC MATH and ENGLISH ASSESSMENT PLACEMENT TESTS or provide a transcript from an accredited institution evidencing college-level credit in English and algebra with grades of "C" or above. TCC assessment placement tests are administered by each campus Counseling Center. When enrollments must be limited for any curriculum, priority shall be given to all qualified students who are residents of the political subdivisions supporting the college and to Virginia residents not having access to a given program at their local community college, provided such students apply for admission to the program prior to registration or by a deadline established by the college. In addition, residents of localities with which the college has clinical-site or other agreements may receive equal consideration for admission. If you have questions regarding domiciliary requirements or domiciliary status, please contact the Enrollment Services Office: 757-822-7340. Admission priorities will be based on the applicant's Domicile status on the application deadline date. Please note that some students receive in-state tuition based on an exception to the statute, but are domiciled out-of-state. APPLICATION DEADLINES: All transcripts, domicile status, test scores, and applications MUST be on file with the appropriate college office prior to April 15 in order for the applicant to be considered for acceptance. Applicants with missing information (incomplete applications) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR INITIAL ADMISSION to the PTA Program. NOTIFICATION: Letter of acceptance or non-acceptance will be emailed to the applicant's VCCS address. Students not accepted into the PTA program are advised to see a Counselor to discuss their curriculum options. FINANCIAL AID: Applicants needing financial aid should visit or call the Financial Aid Office at any TCC campus as soon as possible. Financial Aid applications are also available at PHYSICAL FORM: An applicant who is accepted for admission must complete a physical form that includes an immunization record and a physical examination. A licensed physician, or his/her official medical professional designee, must complete the examination. The Physical form will be included in the letter of acceptance and MUST be completed prior to start of program. BACKGROUND CHECKS: Prospective students are hereby notified that medical facilities require criminal/sex offender/fraud and abuse background checks as well as drug screens be completed. The cost of the criminal background/sex offender check is the responsibility of the student. Cleared "green" background checks must be received by the Clinical Coordinator before the start of the program in the fall semester (August). If the applicant does not turn in the background check (or it is not a cleared "green" check) before the start of the program, the offer for admission will be rescinded. Some facilities may do additional random drug screens. PREADMISSION CLINICAL EXPERIENCE: Applicants must have completed a minimum of forty (40) hours of documented observational experience divided equally between two different physical therapy practice settings (minimum 20 hours per site). Acceptable settings include any two of the following: outpatient services, acute care facilities, skilled nursing facility, home care, etc., and be under the supervision of a Physical Therapist or a Physical Therapist Assistant. A maximum of 200 documented courses will earn extra points towards an applicant's admission score. Experiences must be documented by completing and uploading two "PTA Program: PREADMISSION CLINICAL EXPERIENCE FORMS" with this application. RECOMMENDATIONS: Applicants must complete and upload two (and only two) separate "PTA APPLICANT RECOMMENDATION FORMS". Forms must be completed by employers, professors, professional associates, Physical Therapists, or Physical Therapist Assistants. Please note that submission of more than two recommendation forms will lower an applicant's admission score. Acceptance into the Phlebotomy Technician Program is selective due to the limited number of clinical placements available. The following steps MUST be completed in order for the applicant to be considered for admission to a program. ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE (Notification of admission to the college does not mean that the applicant has been accepted into the PT Program.) New TCC Students must complete a separate TCC application for admission to the college before applying to the PT Program. Applications may be obtained from the Enrollment Services Admissions Center on any of the College's campuses. Health Professions Program Applications may be obtained online by accessing the website: Continuing Students do not need to complete another application to the college. However, students should update their academic records if there have been any changes in name, address, etc. Students who have previously applied to the college but did not attend within one year of application must reapply. Students who have not attended the college in the past three years must also apply. Admission to the Phlebotomy Technician Program A complete application must be submitted electronically to Angela Bell, MS, MLS (ASCP) SM, DLM, the Phlebotomy Technician Program Director at during the open application period only. Applications that are submitted outside the application period will not be considered for admission. Please see the submission periods outlined below. If applicable, the pleb program applicants must provide proof of satisfactory scores on the SAT/ACT or provide evidence of TCC MATH and ENGLISH ASSESSMENT PLACEMENT TESTS or provide a transcript from an accredited institution evidencing college-level credit in English and algebra with grades of "C" or above. TCC assessment placement tests are administered by each campus Counseling Center. CPR Certification: Students must be CPR certified prior to being authorized to attend clinical. APPLICATION DEADLINES: The Phlebotomy Technician Program has strict open application periods. Applications are accepted via email to during the following times or until the class fills. April 1 at 8:00 a.m. to April 5 at 12:00 a.m. Nov 1 at 8:00 a.m. to Nov 5 at 12:00 a.m. Please note that, traditionally, this class fills early. Applications submitted before the 8:00 a.m. time will not be considered. NOTIFICATION: Letter of acceptance or non-acceptance will be emailed to the applicant's VCCS address. Students not accepted into their desired Phlebotomy Technician program are advised to see a Counselor to discuss their curriculum options. FINANCIAL AID: Applicants needing financial aid should visit or call the Financial Aid Office at any TCC campus as soon as possible. Financial Aid applications are also available at Please note: The phlebotomy technician program does not qualify for financial aid. HEALTH RECORD: An applicant who is accepted for admission must complete a physical form that includes an immunization record and a physical examination. A licensed physician, or his/her official medical professional designee, must complete the examination. The Physical form will be included in the letter of acceptance and MUST be completed prior to the students first clinical assignment. BACKGROUND CHECKS: Prospective students are hereby notified that certain medical facilities require both criminal/sex offender background checks as well as drug screens prior to being authorized to attend clinicals. The cost of the criminal background/sex offender check is the responsibility of the student. Acceptance into the (OTA) Occupational Therapy Assistant Program in Health Professions Division is selective due to the limited number of clinical placements available. The following steps MUST be completed in order for the applicant to be considered for admission to a program. ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE (Notification of admission to the college does not mean that the applicant has been accepted into the OTA Program.) New TCC Students must complete a separate TCC application for admission to the college before applying to a Health Professions Program. TCC applications may be obtained online or from the Enrollment Services Admissions Center on any of the College's campuses. Health Professions Program Applications may be obtained from the Counseling Center at any campus, by calling 757-822-1122, or by accessing the website: Continuing Students do not need to complete another application to the college. However, students should update their academic records if there have been any changes in name, address, etc. Students who have previously applied to the college but did not attend within one year of application must reapply. Students who have not attended the college in the past three years must also apply. ADMISSION TO THE OTA PROGRAM A complete application packet must be submitted electronically to be considered for acceptance into the OTA program. *This submission must include a completed Health Professions Program Application, indicating Occupational Therapy Assistant as your program of choice, an unofficial copy of college/university transcripts uploaded (if applicable), pre-admission clinical experience forms, and any other documents requested. Applicants with any prior college credit must have a second official copy of all college/university transcripts mailed directly from the college/university to: Tidewater Community College, Office of the College Registrar, P.O. Box 9000, Norfolk, VA 23509-9000. In addition, applicants must complete a request to have their transcripts evaluated. This from may be obtained at any campus Enrollment Services office or online here. When enrollments must be limited for any curriculum, priority shall be given to all qualified students who are residents of the political subdivisions supporting the college and to Virginia residents not having access to a given program at their local community college, provided such students apply for admission to the program prior to registration or by a deadline established by the college. In addition, residents of localities with which the college has clinical-site or other agreements may receive equal consideration for admission. If you have questions regarding domiciliary requirements or domiciliary status, please contact the Enrollment Services Office: 757-822-7340. Admission priorities will be based on the applicant's Domicile status on the application deadline date. Please note that some students receive in-state tuition based on an exception to the statute, but are domiciled out-of-state. ADDITIONAL PROGRAM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Students are responsible for obtaining a TCC OTA program information packet, and meeting the outlined selective admission criteria. APPLICATION DEADLINES: All transcripts, domicile status, test scores, and applications MUST be on file with the appropriate college office by May 15 in order for the applicant to be considered for acceptance. Applicants with missing information (incomplete applications) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR INITIAL ADMISSION to a program. NOTIFICATION: Letter of acceptance or non-acceptance will be mailed to the applicant's home address, or emailed to the applicant's VCCS address. Students not accepted into the OTA program are advised to see a Counselor to discuss their curriculum options. FINANCIAL AID: Applicants needing financial aid should visit or call the Financial Aid Office at any TCC campus as soon as possible. Financial Aid applications are also available at PHYSICAL FORM: An applicant who is accepted for admission must complete a physical form that includes an immunization record and a physical examination. A licensed physician, or his/her official medical professional designee, must complete the examination. The physical form will be included in the letter of acceptance and MUST be completed prior to start of program. BACKGROUND CHECKS: Prospective students are hereby notified that the medical facilities require both criminal/sex offender background checks as well as drug screens prior to being authorized to attend clinicals. The cost of the criminal background/sex offender check is the responsibility of the student. The background check must be submitted prior to the start of field work. PRE-ADMISSION CLINICAL EXPERIENCE FORM Each student must complete a minimum of 30 hours of volunteer, paid work, or observation time in an occupational therapy setting before being considered for admission in to the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. This clinical experience time must be performed at two different types of practice settings (ex: inpatient, outpatient, acute care, skilled nursing, school system, etc.) A minimum of 8 hours must be completed at each setting and the total hours of both combined experiences must be at least 30 hours. The Pre-Admission Clinical Experience form is located in the TCC OTA program information packet. An uploaded pdf of these forms must be attached to the electronically submitted application. Acceptance into each of the programs in the Health Professions Division is selective due to the limited number of clinical placements available. The following steps MUST be completed in order for the applicant to be considered for admission to a program. ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE (Notification of admission to the college does not mean that the applicant has been accepted into a Health Professions Program.) New TCC Students must complete a separate TCC application for admission to the college before applying to a Health Professions Program. Applications may be obtained from the Enrollment Services Admissions Center on any of the College's campuses. Health Professions Program Applications may be obtained from the Counseling Center at any campus, by calling 757-822-1122, or by accessing the website: Continuing Students do not need to complete another application to the college. However, students should update their academic records if there have been any changes in name, address, etc. Students who have previously applied to the college but did not attend within one year of application must reapply. Students who have not attended the college in the past three years must also apply. Admission to a Health Professions Program A complete application packet must be submitted to Enrollment Services, Bayside Building, Tidewater Community College, 1700 College Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA 23453 to be considered for acceptance into a Health Professions program. *This packet must include a completed Health Professions Application, an official copy of college/university transcripts (if applicable), and high school transcripts/proof of GED (if applicable). *Exception: Phlebotomy Technician applications should be submitted via email to Angela Bell, Phlebotomy Program Director, at during the open application period only. Applicants must have all official high school transcripts and/or GED certifications (if applicable) sent to Enrollment Services, 1700 College Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA 23453. Applicants with any prior college credit must have a second official copy of all college/university transcripts mailed directly from the college/university to: Tidewater Community College, Office of the College Registrar, P.o. Box 9000, Norfolk, VA 23509-9000. In addition, applicants must complete a request to have their transcripts evaluated. This form may be obtained at any campus Enrollment Services office or online at: Applicants to Health Professions Programs must provide proof of satisfactory scores on the SAT/ACT or provide evidence of TCC MATH and ENGLISH ASSESSMENT PLACEMENT TESTS or provide a transcript from an accredited institution evidencing college-level credit in English and algebra with grades of "C" or above. TCC assessment placement tests are administered by each campus Counseling Center. When enrollments must be limited for any curriculum, priority shall be given to all qualified students who are residents of the political subdivisions supporting the college and to Virginia residents not having access to a given program at their local community college, provided such students apply for admission to the program prior to registration or by a deadline established by the college. In addition, residents of localities with which the college has clinical-site or other agreements may receive equal consideration for admission. If you have questions regarding domiciliary requirements or domiciliary status, please contact the Enrollment Services Office: 757-822-7340. Admission priorities will be based on the applicant's Domicile status on the application deadline date. Please note that some students receive in-state tuition based on an exception to the statute, but are domiciled out-of-state. ADDITIONAL PROGRAM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Students are responsible for obtaining a program packet, which includes admission selection criteria. APPLICATION DEADLINES: All transcripts, domicile status, test scores, and applications MUST be on file with the appropriate college office prior to May 15 in order for the applicant to be considered for acceptance. Applicants with missing information (incomplete applications) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR INITIAL ADMISSION to a Health Professions Program. Please refer to the next page of this application for the published deadline dates. Late applicants will be considered only if the initial pool of eligible applicants does not fill a program. HEALTH CARE EXPERIENCE: Applicants must have some formal medical experience with direct patient contact. Additional points will be awarded for any formal medical education completed by the applicant which includes a certification or degree. Examples include nurse aid, EMT, phlebotomy, etc. If your medical experience includes a certificate, please upload a copy of the awarded certificate or degree NOTIFICATION: Letter of acceptance or non-acceptance will be mailed to the applicant's home address, or emailed to the applicant's VCCS address. Students not accepted into their desired Health Professions program are advised to see a Counselor to discuss their curriculum options. FINANCIAL AID: Applicants needing financial aid should visit or call the Financial Aid Office at any TCC campus as soon as possible. Financial Aid applications are also available at HEALTH RECORD: An applicant who is accepted for admission must complete a physical form that includes an immunization record and a physical examination. A licensed physician, or his/her official medical professional designee, must complete the examination. The Physical form will be included in the letter of acceptance and MUST be completed prior to start of program. BACKGROUND CHECKS: Prospective students are hereby notified that medical facilities require criminal/sex offender/fraud and abuse background checks as well as drug screens prior to being authorized to attend clinical. The cost of the criminal background/sex offender check is the responsibility of the student. Cleared "green" background checks must be received by the Program Director before the start of the student's clinical rotation in the spring semester (January). Some facilities may do additional random drug screens. Exact date of submission will be communicated to the student during orientation. This field is hidden when viewing the formPlease list all programs for which you are applying: Personal InformationName* (Required) First Middle Last Suffix Address* (Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City AlabamaAlaskaAmerican SamoaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaGuamHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthern Mariana IslandsOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahU.S. Virgin IslandsVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces Pacific State ZIP Code Primary Phone* (Required)Secondary PhoneThis field is hidden when viewing the formDate of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY SIS ID* (Required)VCCS Student Email* (Required)Example : Enter Email Confirm Email Alternate Email Enter Email Confirm Email This field is hidden when viewing the formHave you ever applied for admission to any Health Professions Program? Yes No This field is hidden when viewing the formDo you have a curricular G.P.A. of 3.0 or greater? Yes No Please list any credentials obtained Please list the Program and date which you applied.* (Required)Program NameDate Briefly explain why you are interested in the Health Professions Program you have chosen and how the program may help you meet your career goals.* (Required)Health Care ExperiencePlease describe any experience(s) you have had and include an estimation of time involved in each activity. Related ExperienceTime Enrollment Status* (Required) New student (have not completed any courses at TCC) Continuing Student (enrolled at TCC during the last 12-month period) Former TCC Student Returning (have taken courses at TCC but not within the last 12-month period) Date of last term enrolled* (Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY I am interested in* (Required) Part time classes Full time classes Mandatory Pre-Requisites* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled Mandatory Pre-Requisites* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled Mandatory Pre-Requisites* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled College Composition IENG 111 Human Anatomy & Physiology IBIO 141 Placement into MTH 154 with no co-requisite required or successful completion of an equivalent or higher-level college math classMTH 154 Mandatory Pre-Requisites* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled Mandatory Pre-Requisites* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled Orientation to Health CareSDV 101 (preferred) or SDV 100 (accepted) Human Anatomy & Physiology IBIO 141 College Composition IENG 111 Developmental Psychology (will accept PSY 215, 231 or 235)PSY 230 Diet and Nutrition Therapy (will accept alternate nurtition class)HLT 130 Self-Placement into MTH 154 Quantitative Reasoning Mandatory Pre-Requisites* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled Human Anatomy and Physiology I Mandatory Pre-Requisites* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled Human Anatomy and Physiology IBIO 141 Orientation to Health CareSDV 101 (preferred) or SDV 100(accepted) College Composition IENG 111 Self-Placement into MTH 154 Quantitative Reasoning. Mandatory Pre-Requisites* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled Human Anatomy and Physiology I College Composition I Placement into Math Essentials (MTE) 5 College Algebra, or higher, based on VPT Other Courses within the curriculum* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled Other Courses within the curriculum* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled Other Courses within the curriculum* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled Orientation to Health Care Cross Cultural Health and Wellness practices Medical Terminology I Life Span Human Development I Life Span Human Development II Humanities Elective Other Courses within the curriculum* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled This field is hidden when viewing the formCourses within the curriculum with points towards AdmissionCollege CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled College Composition Intro to Medical Term or Medical Term I Quantitative Reasoning Orientation to Health Care Human Anatomy and Physiology II Other Courses within the curriculum* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled SDV 101 (preferred) or SDV 100(accepted) HLT 143 BIO 142 Other Courses within the curriculum with points towards admission* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled Courses worth Additional Admission Points* (Required)College CourseTCC Course EquivalentCourse CompletedGradePresently Enrolled Transcript Upload* (Required)Please upload unofficial transcripts. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, heic, Max. file size: 32 MB. This field is hidden when viewing the formLetters of Recommendation* (Required)Please upload two professional letters of recommendation. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, heic, Max. file size: 32 MB. Letters of Recommendation* (Required)Please upload two professional letters of recommendation. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, heic, Max. file size: 32 MB. Proof of Certification* (Required)Please upload your current proof of certification and/or registration Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, heic, Max. file size: 32 MB. Previous Medical ExperiencePlease upload documentation pertaining to your previous medical experience. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, heic, Max. file size: 32 MB. Pre-Admission Clinical Experience* (Required)Please upload all completed "Pre-Admission Clinical Experience" forms, at least one from each clinic you visited. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, heic, Max. file size: 32 MB. Physical Therapist Assistant Recommendation Forms* (Required)Please upload two completed Physical Therapist Assistant Applicant recommendation forms. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, heic, Max. file size: 32 MB, Max. files: 2. This field is hidden when viewing the formUnofficial Transcripts:Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, heic, Max. file size: 32 MB.Have you attended a Respiratory Therapy Program Open House?* (Required)Select an option...YesNoHave you attended a Physical Therapist Assistant Program Open House?* (Required)Select an option...YesNoHave you attended a Phlebotomy Technician Program Open House?* (Required)Select an option...YesNoHave you attended an Occupational Therapy Assistant Program Open House in the past 12 months?* (Required)Select an option...YesNoHave you attended an Open House in the past 12 months?* (Required)Select an option...YesNoPlease list all formal education beyond high school. Unofficial transcripts should be uploaded to this application. Once selected into the program, official transcripts must be sent to the College Registrar along with submitting the request transcript evaluation form.Post-Secondary EducationAttendance Dates: From: To:Name of Institution: City and StateMajorCredentials Earned (Diploma, Certificate, Degree) Name of Diploma if differentNumber of Credits Have you turned in your general TCC application? Have you arranged to have your OFFICAL college/university transcripts be sent directly from the College/University to the Office of the College Registrar? Have you applied for domicile status (in-state/out-of-state)? Have you completed this entire application including attaching unofficial transcripts and documentation of any previous patient care experience? Consent* (Required) I certify that all statements given in this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of Tidewater Community CollegeSignature* (Required)PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.